I have been on a search for the perfect blog post, one that bounces around pinging like the sonar in a TV submarine, and manages to pop a few dollars in the bank account.
I am consigning this search to my Noble Bucket of Pursuits. My search reminds me of the people who came to the Beechworth gold fields a hundred and sixty years ago, must add though that typing up a post for a blog is a much easier process than digging a hole in the hope that there might be a nugget or five in the spot you chose to dig.
Lake Anderson, Chiltern Vic. Australia |
A hundred years ago the people in Chiltern, Vic. Australia, had to ask that question, they decided to turned a disaster into Lake Anderson, which is now a favourite walk for visitors and locals alike.
Yes, gold was found in the hole, and for some the amount of gold they found made them very wealthy, and for those few life would have been good. And yes part of me does wish for this type of wealth.
So far my search for the perfect blog post has been more miss than hit, I should be asking if I am looking in the right place, or even if I am searching for the right something.
I ask this because I get the feeling that while there nothing wrong with my search, I should not have the search for a perfect blog post in my Noble Bucket of Pursuits. Do I need to toss the contents of my bucket? Then run a new search, because so far my search has not found the perfect blog post.
My feelings are that my search needs firmer ground, that where I'm digging might be on the verge of collapse, so where do I go to find solid ground?
I have gone and done it again, forgotten the most noble pursuit of all. This happens to often to count, but where is God's Word in all of this searching? And perfect is not this world either, I have to wait for the perfect, the mansion, the room that is being prepared for me. Till I check in to this mansion, my most Noble Pursuit should be God's Word, pursue this and everything else sorts itself out eventually. Why do I have trouble remembering this.?
Luke 6:47-49