Friday, August 24, 2012


Norman stared at the door. You expect a door to open he thought.  He grabbed the door's handle pushing and pulling the door in the hope of shaking the door open.

"Hold on for a second, I'm almost finished," said a voice from the other side of the door.  Then Norman heard something that sounded like rushing water.  The door opened into him, first time in his life that he was thankful for large feet.  His nose was saved a bruising blow. 

"Sorry," said the voice.  The door opened after Norman stepped back out of the doors arc.  He found that the voice belonged to a woman with a pretty face and laughing eyes.

"Hi I'm Vicky, and I'm guessing your the translator."

"You have me at a disadvantage," said Norman. "But yes, I am 'the translator', I'm Norman, Norman Charring."  He was not feeling the humour in the meeting that Vicky seemed to be finding, his discomfort seemed to amuse her.  He shook her offered hand.

"I need to get back to my desk, but the en-suite is free now."  Vicky turned around and walked through the door in his room and through a door on the other side of the en-suite room.  Norman wouldn't have minded a chat, but it seemed Vicky had other things to do.

Curious as to what was in the room Vicky had stepped from, Norman thought that he might have a look.  What he stepped into was a 20th Century bathroom, but Vicky called the room an en-suite, the museum where he worked had examples of a room like this.  Something to check, he thought, their description might need updating, silly really, should have thought of the different words for the a bathroom.  This would, he thought, excite Samuel no end, to see a 20th Century bathroom that works.  Now that I'm here I might as well be comfortable.

Norman's curiosity was too strong, he knew where one door went; to Vicky's desk, and he assumed an office, but where did the door between his door and Vicky's door go.  There was only one way to find out, he opened the door.  

It was a storage room, there was bath crystals, soaps, solid and liquid, bubble bath, towels, shelves and shelves of towels. Underneath the shelves were laundry facilities. And not the 20th Century type either.  Handy to know that he could have his clothes cleaned while he relaxed in either the shower or bath, or the spa.

At the other end of the storage room, past the shelves, where racks of bath robes, blue on one side and pink on the other side.  Norman looked through the blue side, there seemed to be a range of different sizes, the pink robes were the same. Passing the robes, Norman stood at another door, he paused,  I've come this far, he thought, I might as well open this door too.

The room was a square, and had bench seats on three of its walls, the fourth wall had the door in it.  In the center of the room was an metal basket full of bubbly rocks.  A voice welcomed him to the sauna, and informed him that the sauna would be ready in 30 minutes.  He was asked if he wished to confirm? Norman had a moment or two of confusion, he was looking for the owner of the voice, this was not part of a standard 20th Century bathroom, he managed to utter "No," before he was asked anymore questions.

Norman turned around and walked back to the room where he had spent his day.  It had been a long day, arriving early morning, shown straight to a desk full of documents, he had thought that he would be finished by the time the ferry was ready to return to the mainland that night.  But the documents were like the shelves of towels. Never ending.  That raised questions too.  He wondered why the owner of the documents didn't simply scan the documents into a translator program.  He knew one or two programs that could do the job.

"Sir," said a voice.  Norman jumped, he was not expecting anyone to be in the room, but the man who had bought him his lunch, sandwiches, was standing in the room.  Norman also noticed that the documents he was translating had disappeared.

"My sincere apology, sir, I did not mean to frighten you but your evening meal will be served in the dinning hall in fifteen minutes, I am here to show you the way. "